35 years...
At STAR Logistique, we are particularly proud of this candle blown out in 2018.
Great things have happened over the past 35 years. Here is a quick overview...
1988: Birth. My parents Delia and Cédric baptize me Star Courrier. What a joy to learn and grow alongside them. I quickly take my first steps and gain year after year in autonomy and serenity.
2002: Arrival of a new mother, Nathaly. It was on this occasion that I was renamed Star Logistique. It is great to be loved by three parents instead of two!
2009: Birth of a little brother, e-maloja. I am so happy! We are going to have fun together, that's for sure!
We are lucky to grow up in a privileged environment: lakes, mountains, generous nature... Very quickly, supported by our parents, we want to commit ourselves by giving back to Life as well as to Nature a part of what we receive on a daily basis:
Since 2013, we are happy to participate to the Bol d'Or; e-maloja is our captain on this famous round-the-lake regatta.
Since 2015, we are partners and sponsor of the ESS (Swiss Ski School of Geneva). This time, I take the lead. Because we love to climb mountains! And, sincerely: what could be more beautiful and soothing than a snowflake?
Still 2015: Adoption of a second little brother. He is French and his name is e-maloja International. We are so proud to welcome him into our family. Thanks to him, new horizons are opening: international exchanges, inter-cultural openness...
Since 2016, we are partners and sponsor of CS Chênois (Football Club in the Canton of Geneva). Who ever said that girls do not like football? I am proud to support this team which shares our values.
...and now the age of Reason!
2018: I am 30 years old. I look back and admire how far I have come. Time has passed so quickly, though so slowly as well. About 1/3 of my life (actually, like the male / female ratio in the management of our company). Do you realize how much I still have to see, to do, to build, to experience...?
To fittingly mark this new decade, we are all working hard:
Our beautiful family officially adopts a cause close to its heart and applied since our beginnings, by signing the Charter " 1+ for All ". This proudly makes us Responsible Employer (label in favor of employment and integration through work in Geneva).
My little brothers organize the World Clean Up Day on the Plainpalais Plain (“Let's clean up the Planet in one day”. If only one day could be enough...). They are also sponsors of the 1st edition of Ecotrail Genève.
In 2019, we decided to join Cultural and Business Events and become official partners of the International Day for Women's Rights . We also plan to study our energy balance to precisely calculate our greenhouse gas emissions, in order to compensate for them, either by internal actions, or by supporting projects in favor of sustainable development. Our ambitious goal, which isultimately within everyone's reach, is to become a climate neutral company.
Because the environment and the future of our Planet is everyone's business! Everyone is free to choose which Earth they want to leave to their descendants... We have made our choice a long time ago.
35 years, the age of reason. I have never felt so good, so confident. As you might have understood, we at Star Logistique love Life, we love Others, we love Difference, we love the Environment, we love Nature (and above all, we respect it), we love Women, we love Men, we love the Young generations but also the Seniors, and we fight stereotypes.
Above all, we are a Team... a Family. In a way, we are Epicureans.
(And you can come and check, everything is true :-) In our company, before stirring the air with wind turbines, we prefer to use the driving forces of underwater currents.)
With Love xxx
STAR Logistique, Emaloja